Fashion Statement

Clothes We Wear
Gretchen Heuring | ElderThink | 04.09.09
Some time ago, I signed up with PitchRate is a virtual exchange where writers looking for expert opinion can list their interests and people with expertise can respond. I responded to a writer who was looking for ideas in the area of senior fashion. She emailed me with a list of questions.
Right away, she asked me about my background in fashion. I told her I don't have one except that I developed single handedly a whole web-based catalog for senior men with lots of advice in it. I have the same expertise as any 67 year old who has been trying to make herself and her man look fashionable for a lifetime.
The rest of the questions she asked were pretty good, actually. She said, if seniors want fun clothes, but don't want to look like a teenager, what clothing styles would they be looking for?
What I said next was pretty boring and practical. You can read it all in the side bar.
Then she asked, "Are clothing cuts more generous for the senior citizen figure? In what way?" And I said:
This is what I told her:
Oh would someone please make a bra for older ladies? We will never point like Barbie and we don't need corsettes, just better design. Young women's bras are SO uncomfortable!
Our skin gets thinner and less elastic. As a result, for both men and women, anything on our bodies that is a bit heavy changes shape. Our breasts and bottoms are lower and more sack-like. Our lower bellies pooch no matter how strong the muscles are. Bits of fat, never before noticed, drop over elbows and knees. At the same time, some parts of us get thinner because so much has moved down. That's why our pants can look baggy in back and shirts too big at the neck. Also, because our skin is thinner, anything that is tight or rubs can really hurt.
More generous cuts solve some of these problems but the true issue is one of design. No one makes clothing for us. (Has anyone checked to see how much money we have or how long we are living active lives these days?)
I'm just an old lady who likes nice clothes
She probably won't use my ideas because I'm not from the fashion industry. But take a look at my great catalog, and if you send me a comment below, I'll let you know when the next issue is released. >>Go To