Health As We Age

Health Is About The Great Duo:
Managing Illness and Staying Well
Gretchen Heuring | ElderThink | 04.10.10
As we grow older, health becomes more and more important to us. We worry about our health because, simply put, becoming ill could mean the end of our independence and productivity and even the end of our lives.
When we need someone else to care for us, the quality of our lives is changed. Usually very slowly, we become dependent, childlike, and fearful. No one wants that so we seniors worry about our health.
Medicine Has Made Wonderful Advances In Senior Health
There are continuing discoveries and treatments that help seniors live longer and better. At ElderThink we try to bring you the newest and best information from reputable sources.
Staying Healthy After 50
International Longevity Center
LC-CEO Dr. Robert N. Butler was recently interviewed for a segment about health after age 50 for a special series on NBC's Today show titled "Just Getting Started: Life After 50".
41% of U.S. adults are over 50, and many of them are the most active and fit they've ever been in their lives. True to form, boomers over 50 don't feel like they are slowing down at all. In fact, the YMCA has seen their older adult membership grow by 50% since 2004. >>More
What Goes Down Bounces Back Higher
Karen Salmansohn, Huffington Post
Obstacles to happiness often appear larger than they truly are during a crisis. So if right now you're in crisis mode, due to the financial meltdown, please keep in mind that you're seeing things through a temporarily darker, blurrier lens.
Nothing is ever as "fabulously good" or as "crisis bad" as it first appears. More good news: What goes down often bounces back higher -- when it comes to bad moods. And you can actually be in charge of speeding up that bounce back process. >>More