Practice of Perception

Some Are More Perceptive
Gretchen Heuring | ElderThink | 1.1.10
Some people seem to be naturally more perceptive and aware of the experiences and feelings of others. Just like natural physical athletes, naturally empathetic people do not have to work as hard to understand others who are around them.
Sympathy or empathy can be learned (or improved) through listening and attentiveness.
We can learn about what is going on with others by observing body language, facial expressions, tone of voice and choices.
Experiencing others more fully in this way can make our lives richer and we are happier as a result.
Empathy is a very important piece in the quest for happiness.
Older people are frequently good listeners and more empathetic. The have more years of experience at paying attention to others and older persons often have greater opportunity for reflection.
How To Be A Good Listener
There are five important and well-recognized components to being a good listener. How many of them are easy for you? Give yourself a test.
1. Most important, make eye contact and pay attention. How can you be listening if you aren't really listening?
2. How is your body when you are really listening to someone? Do you tilt your head? How are your shoulders? When you want to be a good listener, put your body in this position.
3. Respond by telling the speaker what he or she has been saying in your own words. Tell them often during the conversation.
4. Do not change the subject. Listen and stay with the speaker for as long as necessary.
5. If you disagree with what the speaker is saying to you, keep those thoughts to yourself until the person is finished speaking. Then after you have told the speaker what he or she has been saying, you can decide whether you want to pose an argument.