Exercise For Wellness

Physical Exercise for Seniors
There are different types of physical exercise that do different things for your body. For example, it is possible to be quite flexible from stretching, but not very strong at the same time because the muscles have become small.
What to ask your Doctor about physical exercise
American Geriatrics Society
"The US Surgeon General Recommends that every US adult should engage in regular physical activity. Regular physical activity has beneficial effects on most (if not all) organ systems, and it helps prevent a broad range of health problems and diseases. Most older people can safely begin low level exercise on their own and should contact their health care provider if they are contemplating moderate or strenuous exercise. The following are questions you can ask your health care provider about physical activity." >>More
Strength Exercises
According to the National Institute on Aging, even a small change in muscle size can make a big difference in strength. That's why strength exercises are so important. Improving muscle size helps people to build their capacity to do such things as walk, climb stairs and carry a package. These kinds of activities mean the difference between keeping one's independence and having to rely on others for help.
The good news is that it is never too late to build muscle mass! In fact, some researchers have found that nursing home residents performing simple strength exercises may quickly regain their capacity to perform basic activities that were lost long ago.
Stretching exercises will give you more freedom of movement and will make you more comfortable while you are moving about. There are five simple stretches that take only minutes each day and will certainly make you feel better. >>More
Cardio always involves breaking a sweat, breathing hard and getting your heart to beat faster. You can build endurance by gradually increasing exercise time and effort. You can use machines in a gym that simulate rowing, running, climbing stairs and bicycling. (You can also buy this sort of equipment for your home.) You can join an aerobics class at a gym and get cardio exercise with dance moves and there are also some excellent videos to help you with aerobic exercises at home.
There are lists of Gyms and you could probably find one near you by taking a peek. >>More