Older People Eating Right

Help Mom (or Dad) Eat Right
The American Cancer Society is promoting the Great American Health Challenge. There is a free age-based test to help you determine the best way to stay healthy and cancer free. After decades of research, the American Cancer Society is saying that the three best things to do for your health are EATING RIGHT, moving your body (exercise), and giving up addictions. This is excellent advice for the "young-old" but "older-old" people may have difficulty following the American Cancer Society program. >>More
Many Older People Have Trouble Eating
Older people can have trouble eating right. Progressive dental problems can make it difficult to chew, stomach problems may make it difficult to eat foods that are good for us, difficulty with walking or standing a long time might make shopping a problem, or appetite may be reduced by medications or inactivity. In addition, limited income may seriously limit food choices.
The USDA and other groups have suggested possible solutions to some of these barriers to elderly persons eating right. >>More
Changes Are Not Easy
If you need to make changes to eat right, you would be doing your body and you a favor but these changes are not easy. Start with only one thing. Eat five servings of fruit and vegetables every day. Here are some suggestions:
1. Fruit or fruit juice with breakfast. Don't eat breakfast? Then start having a glass of juice or a handful of raisins in the morning.
2. A fresh fruit snack sometime during the morning. Grapes, an apple, or a banana are good choices.
3. Buy a big jar of applesauce and have a scoop along with your lunch. Or cut a small lettuce wedge and add a favorite dressing.
4. At dinner time, have some salad and a green vegetable with your meal
5. Now you are at five. It's a bit of effort but that effort could help you live healthy longer.
Want More Information and Ideas?
To find well-researched information and ideas about eating right go to the ElderThink nutrition page. There you will see the findings of all sorts of researchers, learn about the USDA Food Pyramid, and and there are links to comments and advice from physicians. >>More