What Is Spiritual About Synchronicity?
It's all about coincidence, or events that happen together or near to one another but are each caused by something else. Synchronicity leaves us feeling confused and wonderful all at once.
We have all heard stories of people who love one another and are connected by a deep bond but are separated and still sense one another's presence and state of being. This is part of synchronicity but not all.
Many have experienced Synchronicity in some way. For example, you think about someone you haven't seen in years and then he shows up in your life again. >>More
Spiritual Synchronicity is often related to a spiritual awakening. Connections and coincidences occur which take us on a personal journey of discovery. Several excellent descriptions of this sort of experience can be found in the book, "There Are No Accidents" by Robert H. Hopcke. >>More
Synchronicity and Psychology
Carl Jung, a Swiss psychologist, became interested in coincidence and wrote about the many instances that he observed as he treated people. He actually developed the term "synchronicity"
Many psychologists and scientists have continued his work and as a result, the concept has been accepted as an established "truth"